The Wife Take-Over!

July 14, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Girl Invasion! 

As the talker, or typer, of the couple, I have decided I am going to try to get this blog up and running! Many people know that my husband, Seth, is a very creative man. Some know him from tattooing (oh, the ol' days!) or some might know him from photography or from working somewhere or going to school somewhere, generally when we're in public at least one person runs into Seth. He, at one point by all definitions, was a social butterfly who was known for his artistic flare. I still get texts about wanting my husband to do a tattoo for someone and its been years, YEARS since he has picked up a tattoo machine. My point of all of this is this, many know my husband can create some bad-ass stuff & for the most part, everyone thinks he's always the creator but I'm here to tell ya, I'm here too! ha ha 

Now that I have gotten that off my chest, I want to say how excited I am to be starting this journey. Something that I am lucky enough to do with my best friend and partner in crime life. He has always pushed me to "do art" and I hope I can now do the same back for him. I have always been an artist of some sort, down to memories as a kid collecting interesting things in nature to hoard in my room. I have painted, I have sculpted, I have photographed and I have wrote. I love to craft and make things, Pinterest has my soul. I have been a hairstylist as well for the last 5 years. There are so many different kinds of canvas to cover and I plan to mark them all.

With my husband stepping up his photography game the last few years, it has brought a love for cameras back in my life. Years of photography in high school came back to me, I loved being behind the camera but I have no confidence. I was a hobbyist at best, i have never focused long enough to call myself anything more. I blamed my career, that I didn't have the time when I needed to build another career first. I enjoyed my times playing with his cameras but I wouldn't call one mine. Bring you forward to the last year, in this time we welcomed a tiny human named Quincee into this world and I was overwhelmed with the need to capture every last moment. Over time, as I posted more and more images, we noticed how much love we got. Not only is she adorable (I am slightly bias) but I really was getting a knack for this whole photography thing. Many people thought the photos were my husbands! I was shocked to be compared to my awesome husband, this is after months of said awesome husband trying to convince me himself. But hey! sometimes ya gotta hear it from someone else. 

i took the leap, i am stepping into unknown waters to get big reward. I hope I keep you guys tuned in & watch this new journey unfold with me. Now who wants their photos taken?! I'm open for business!! 


-- <3 -- 



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