Art of The Brick
"Art of the Brick” comes to Ella Sharp Museum! From January 30th to April 22nd, come see an exhibition featuring large scale sculptures created out of iconic LEGO® bricks by New York based artist Nathan Sawaya. The Art of the Brick is one of the largest and most popular art exhibits touring the globe. “This year alone, we’ve visited Australia, South Africa and Italy,” said Sawaya. “We are thrilled to be bringing this collection to Jackson." (via Ella Sharp Museum's website")
This rainy, oddly warm Sunday the wife and I attended the Art of the Brick exhibit at Ella Sharp Museum here in Jackson. Ella Sharp's display of the exhibit was put together so well. the lighting was amazing!!! My Olympus Em10 paired with the 17mm F1.8 did a wonderful job of capturing these youthfully wonderful sculptures and pieces of art. We did view the rest of the museums exhibits as well but maybe a different day I'll do a "Tour of Ella" blog post. Back on task Seth...
Steampunk Eddie attended with his two kids today as well as J-rod from K105.3fm
Steampunk Eddie and FamilyJackson's Steampunk Eddie and his kids building race cars at the hands on portion of the exhibit.
J-rodK105.3's J-rod noticed me :)
As much as I know you all just love reading what I write (hahaha).... The real gem of this post is the images!!! So with no further rambling on my part, Enjoy!!! (note: Hover over the images to see titles and captions)
Nathan Sawaya
Throughout the exhibit were these panels with quotes from the creator of The Art of The Brick, Nathan Samaya. Make sure you stop over to the artist's website as well!
The "Black Skull" on "Gray Pedestal" was a truly cool piece, not only was the scale of the skull but the entire pedestal was also made of legos; Making the combination a truly amazing piece
"HourGlass" was a cool almost full scale piece. I'd be interested to know the artists thoughts in creating this one. My take on it would have to do with self image, but I definitely lack an "hourglass" shape... lol
"Hands"One of the many of my favorites from the Exhibit.
"Hands"who knew legos could make you feel! Aside from stepping on them...
"Hands" resonated with me by making me think of all we do with our hands.. As a creative I feel my hands act as the conduit for thoughts and ideas to escape my brain into reality.
"Building Red"One way of putting yourself together.
Building Red was a cool piece, that i wish was more on a pedestal than behind glass but that's for my own selfish photography needs.. lol The piece or pieces itself was pretty killer. Another one of those "make you think" sculptures.
"Andy Worhol"I'd hang this in my home! if i could afford it! lol
I'm Bit of a Fan of Mr. Worhol
"Ideas" hit home with how ideas are a slice of you and your mind.
"yellow"Bare your soul
"Yellow""Yellow" greats the exhibit.
If you've researched this exhibit and the artist, "Yellow" is one of the more popular images you will come across. By far one of the best pieces in the set we were able to see but I can't say there isn't many other pieces that are just as amazing.
"green"I'd lose mine if it did that.
"X-ray"I love the mixed colors!
"X-ray" was an interesting piece with the multi-color blocks vs the solid theme the artist followed on many of other works. so that alone made it stand out of the crowd. Upon further inspection you notice the heart that looks like it is hovering in the center of the sculpture's chest.
"Grasp"Those things that hold you back.
Many of the designs were able to be walked around but the use of the wall on "Grasp" made a strong statement.
"untitled"This is one of my favorite pieces in the collection..
"Gray"from the shere size alone this piece was amazing, add the lights and depth to boot!
The largest piece at the exhibit, "Gray" not only mixed the smooth with texture and shape but it boasted internal lights to accent the true depth of this piece. Bravo Nathan!
"Puddle"this was a cool piece that you had to be close to understand
"Puddle" was a cool sculpture because from afar you're not quite sure whats going on over there. Once you walk up and around it you realize its a boy looking at his reflection in a puddle.
"Courtney Yellow"
UntitledThese are so cool!!!
The Wall pieces were done in a different, equally cool method of lego assembly!
I can appreciate the complexity of these pieces. "Kissing" is great for up close and from a distance.
"My Boy"Extremely Moving piece in my opinion.
"Skulls"My Wife Ayn admiring the "Skulls" piece
"The Writer"
My experience of the Art of the Brick exhibit was two thumbs up! It awakens the childhood spirit in all of us who grew up playing and building with these wonderful little bricks. For the inner kid in us to the art snob, these pieces will have your attention. I implore you to to take the time to visit Ella Sharp Museum to see this while its here. I'm pretty sure I will be going again sometime soon. Nathan Sawaya, if you do happen to read this.... My hats off to you sir! Wonderful Job!!!!
As always Thank you for taking the time to read yet another post of my adventures.
Be sure to check out the Art of the Brick website as well as Ella Sharp Museum's website.