Tom and Todd's Family session

September 10, 2014  •  Leave a Comment



Meet the McMillen-Oakley family. I've known these two great guys for some time now and got the pleasure of meeting their two children during our family shoot early this spring.

Tom an assistant professor at Jackson College and a local author of the book Jesus Has Two Daddies

(buy it here:

and his blog here: (

and his Husband Tod, a local teacher are probably my favorite couple I know. These guys are great! Of course their kids are also awesome, I mean come on look who their dads are!!!!


McMillen-Oakley (23 of 122)McMillen-Oakley (23 of 122)

The weather was great, especially after the winter we had here in Michigan. So I was pretty excited to get out and shoot! We had a couple locations picked out and were going to make a day of it.We started out in this great spot near the north-west side of town. Their kids were pretty excited to explore, so I started right away!

The kids warmed up to the large strange guy with the tattoos pretty quick so it definitely made the shoot even more fun. Now I'd love to show you all of the pictures from the shoot but I'll keep this post short and sweet. :)

McMillen-Oakley (27 of 122)McMillen-Oakley (27 of 122) McMillen-Oakley (53 of 122)McMillen-Oakley (53 of 122)  



After some time playing in the woods we decided to goto the next spot they had in mind...

Which I personally found hilarious.

McMillen-Oakley (84 of 122)McMillen-Oakley (84 of 122)  

Off to Downtown we all went to get some shots in one of the fun allies (top of page) here in town and to one of their favorite pieces of art that was also nearby (below).

McMillen-Oakley (110 of 122)McMillen-Oakley (110 of 122)  



McMillen-Oakley (122 of 122)McMillen-Oakley (122 of 122)

After spending the day with Tom, Tod and their kids I have to say these are the reasons I love doing this whole photography thing! Thank you for sharing this time with me Tom and Tod and Thank you to all that took the time to read this!


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